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Happy Women's Day - GIEC Held a Warm Event

Release time:2023-03-08

The spring is warm and the flowers are blooming. In this vibrant season, "International Working Women's Day" is coming. On March 8th of each year, a festival is set up to celebrate the important contributions and great achievements made by women in the economic, political and social fields. It is also known as "International Women's Day", "March 8th Day" and "March 8 Women's Day".

In order to welcome the "International Working Women's Day", the company prepared many special "surprises" for female employees, creating a strong holiday atmosphere.

In the morning, when the female employees walked into the office building, they saw not only the balloon decorations full of atmosphere, but also the beautiful flowers. When they all received the flowers, today's good mood started.


Flower delivery by staff of Personnel Administration Department

 Not only romantic surprises, but also slap-up meal and surprise gifts. Before 12:00pm, the Personnel Administration Department had already completed the decoration of the company's luncheon venue. Colorful balloon decorations extended from the elevator entrance to the restaurant lobby, welcoming our GIEC female employees. 


Full of festive atmosphere from the elevator entrance to the banquet hall


well-prepared Festival Gifts

At 12:00pm, the femal employees of GIEC entered the venue one after another. They lined up in an orderly manner and received heart-warming festival gifts. Everyone smiled and felt the joy of the festival together. The scene was full of laughter.


Line up to receive gifts, full of happiness

Before the luncheon started, Mr. Chen Shaofeng, general manager of the AIoT department, made a speech on behalf of the female employees, expressing Festival greetings and blessings to the female employees, and also expressed gratitude to the female employees of GIEC for their hard work.


Mr. Chen Shaofeng made a speech

At the luncheon, everyone sat around together and had a great, pleasant and unforgettable holiday with mutual blessings and a feast of food.


Luncheon scene

The Women's Day event held by GIEC allowed everyone to relax in the busy daily work, and made female employees feel the festival's festive and joy. It fully reflected GIECs care and respect for female employees, and also strengthened employees a sense of belonging, gain and happiness! GIEC's female employees will bloom on the workplace stage with a more confident attitude and fuller spirit,and they will contribute more "her strength" and "her wisdom" to the development and growth of GIEC Company!

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