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Good News: GIEC's Brand-new Dolby Atmos Soundbar HA-921D Wins "CGEC Golden Ear Preferred Product" Award

Release time:2024-05-27

As the 618 shopping festival kicked off this year, GIEC received exciting news – its latest HA-921D Dolby Atmos Soundbar has successfully passed the rigorous tests conducted by the China Audio Industry Association (CAIA) and been awarded the prestigious "Golden Ear Preferred Product (CGEC)" certification. This marks the second time GIEC has received this honor, following the previous CGEC-certified product, the GIEC HA-860A.


The evaluation of GIEC's HA-921D Dolby Atmos Soundbar encompassed two primary dimensions: subjective audio listening assessment and objective performance testing.


I. Subjective Audio Listening Assessment

This assessment comprehensively and meticulously evaluated the product's high, mid, and low-frequency performance, as well as its overall frequency balance, soundstage width, and separation capabilities. High frequencies are associated with sound details and brightness, mid-frequencies cover human voices and most instruments' primary frequency ranges, while low frequencies encompass bass instruments and effects. A balanced performance across all frequencies ensures a natural and harmonious sound output, with smooth transitions between ranges. Experts who conducted the assessment praised the mid-to-high frequency response and soundstage width and separation of the GIEC HA-921D.

While acknowledging the direct and valuable feedback provided by subjective listening, it is acknowledged that such evaluations may inevitably carry some degree of subjectivity based on individual auditory perceptions, experiences, and preferences. Hence, the importance of objective performance testing cannot be overstated.

II. Objective Performance Testing

The second phase involved quantifiable tests focusing on the HA-921D's total harmonic distortion (THD), signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), amplitude-frequency response difference, and noise level.

Total Harmonic Distortion (THD): Refers to additional harmonic components in the output signal compared to the input signal. High-fidelity speakers typically have a THD below 1%. The GIEC HA-921D utilizes the SPA300+ACM8625S/TAS5822 chip solution, with the SPA300 chip sourced from Dialog Semiconductor in the UK, offering robust audio processing capabilities to handle complex Dolby Atmos algorithms. The ACM8625S/TAS5822 chips, from Axign and Texas Instruments respectively, contribute to high-fidelity audio processing and efficient amplification, ensuring a THD below 1% for clear and natural sound reproduction.

Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR): A crucial metric measuring audio device performance, indicating the ratio between the desired signal and background noise. Tested at 1kHz, the GIEC HA-921D maintained an SNR of approximately 109dB@1kHz, a level usually found in high-end audio equipment, signifying exceptional sound quality for a rich and immersive listening experience.

Amplitude-Frequency Response Difference: Analyzes the device's response to different frequencies to identify potential imbalances or distortions. The CAIA conducted tests at "FL&FR -20dBFS" and "FL&FR 0dBFS" signal amplitudes, revealing nearly identical curves within the 40Hz-20kHz range, aligning with the HA-921D's specified frequency response, showcasing GIEC's product authenticity. Below 40Hz, a slight response deficit was observed.

Noise Level: Measured in a silent environment with the device powered on but not in use. A noise level below 30dB indicates minimal background noise. The GIEC HA-921D achieved a noise level of 25.6dB, minimally impacting the listening experience.


The CGEC certification by CAIA, a prestigious authority in China's audio industry, underscores the industry's high regard for the GIEC HA-921D Dolby Atmos Soundbar. This accolade not only validates the product's excellence but also acknowledges GIEC's relentless pursuit of perfection. With both subjective and objective evaluations yielding favorable results, the "Golden Ear Preferred Product" award is well-deserved.

As a pioneer in audio-visual products, GIEC has introduced several notable releases this year. The HA-921D, a rising star in the Dolby Atmos soundbar market, boasts advanced chipsets supporting Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus, and Dolby Atmos for unparalleled audio experiences. We are confident that with GIEC's continued dedication to innovation, we will continue to create stunning audio-visual products that captivate users worldwide.

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